About Us
MCMA reoganized in 2021 to replace the Community Telvision Association of Maine founded in 1982. Our goal was to open the organization up to new venues for delivering media content. We are a networking organization for community television stations, municipalities, and producers in Maine. We are awaiting approval of our 501c4 non-profit status. We assist towns in Maine with their Public, Educational, and Governmental television channels.
MCMA is a state-wide organization created to support the efforts of community media in Maine. The membership represents a variety of existing community television organizations, independent producers, municipalities and community members throughout the state.
The mission of MCMA is to advance democratic ideals by ensuring that people in Maine have access to electronic media. In order for democracy to flourish, people must be active participants in their government, educated to think critically, and free to express themselves. The sustainability of public access stations is a key element in local communication infrastructures, and a critical element to freedom of speech.
MCMA’s goal is to ensure community media remains accessible to the public in all its incarnations from local cable television stations and Internet-based distribution channels, to whatever the next generations create as platforms where media resides.

Learn a little about our history as the Community Television Association of Maine through the eyes of Randy Visser and Tony Vigue. These two along with so many others worked for more than 40 years to preserve community access in Maine. Recently, they sat down with John Goran to go through the archive of records collected.
Maine Community Media Association Board

Maurice Amaral
I am the Station Manager for South Portland Community TV.
Nathan Oliver
Nathan is the Program Coordinator for South Portland Community TV.

Patrick Bonsant
Patrick is the Station Director at Saco River Community Media is a 501(c)3 non-profit media center serving the towns of Buxton, Hollis, Limerick, Limington, Standish and Waterboro.

John Goran
At-Large Member
John is a retired telecommunications and broadcast engineer and consultant, having worked in a number of radio and television stations throughout Maine during his 45 year career. In the early 90’s he got the “access” bug and started a new career working for Scarborough Community TV, where he became involved with CTAM.
That “bug” grew into a passion for access, as he soon became a board member of CTAM for a number of years, assisting the organization along its path throughout the 90’s and into the next century. John was a member of the work group that developed the Maine Model Franchise Agreement.
Before retiring in 2013, he worked at Brunswick Access TV, and was “drafted” to work at Freeport TV after retiring. When the manager retired in 2020, John remained to manage the facility while the town searched for a replacement.
CTAM and access has been part of John’s life for many years. His time of dedication to the art and craft of access and engineering will hopefully inspire others to advance access in Maine and continue to utilize this valuable resource. His desire to assist CTAM to become an organization useful to the Maine access community will hopefully inspire others to join the Association and continue what started so many years ago, a vibrant and active group of dedicated and knowledgeable individuals working to keep Public, Educational & Government Access a valuable resource in Maine.
- Co-authored: Maine Model Franchise Agreement – 2009
- Co-authored: LD1371, PL 245 – “An Act To Ensure Nondiscriminatory Treatment of Public, Educational and Governmental Access Channels by Cable System Operators” – 2019
- Co-authored: LD920, “An Act To Ensure Municipal and State Regulatory Oversight of Video Service Providers” – 2019

Michael McDade
At-Large Member
I started working in television production in Maine in 1989, doing commercials for cable networks such as ESPN, Lifetime, CNN and others.
In 1992, I moved to North Carolina and spent a couple of years editing news segments for broadcast networks CBS ad NBC. I returned to Maine in 1994 and began working for the PBS affiliate Maine Public as a videographer and editor on the award-winning series, Quest: Investigating Our World. During that series I got my first experience doing underwater camera work and was hooked right away!
I was promoted to senior editor and post production coordinator at MPBN, but when MPBN stopped doing documentary programs I started doing freelance work within New England, at the same time I became the TV manager for a public access station in Falmouth, Maine.

Larry Sidelinger
At-Large Member
I am the Executive Director for Lincoln County Television. After being self employed for 48 yrs, first twenty plus in the seafood business and the next 25 plus in the long haul trucking business, I took over the leadership to try and rebuild LCTV.
I am married with two grown children and one grandchild. Playing music and camping are my hobbies. “ I think I might be the only truck driver in America running a tv studio”!

Tony Vigue
At Large Board Member
Tony’s interest in Community Television began in the late seventies when he worked with the town of Standish to secure their first franchise agreement with the Saco River Telephone Co. The concept of PEG Access was only at the bulletin board stage of development in rural towns at that time. In the mid-eighties he attended a franchise renewal seminar with Randy Visser at Cape Elizabeth town hall given by Paul Lind and Gennah Copen, Access Consultants from Amherst, Massachusetts and that was a revelation.
Although working as New Products Manager for Data General Corp in Westbrook at the time, that seminar was instrumental in forming a second career path which dovetailed with his previous degree in Radio and Television Production.
When Data General closed its doors in 1991, a 5 year custom video equipment console and cabinet design and production partnership followed at Creative Engineering, LLP, South Portland.
It was during this time that Tony worked with six area towns to form the Saco River Consortium, which set up the non-profit Saco River Community Television Corporation, a regional PEG Access Center located in Hollis which still operates successfully with full budgetary support from the member towns.
In 1995, Tony secured a position with the city of South Portland and retired in 2016 after serving 21 years as the manager of South Portland Community Television.
Tony continues to be involved with the Maine Community Media Association in legislative efforts to increase the legal, financial and technical resources for municipalities and Community Television stations as it relates to the cable franchising process.
Tony wishes to thank all those who have supported his efforts to bring about the following accomplishments:
31 years as chairman of the Standish Citizens Advisory Committee on Cable TV
28 years as chairman of the Saco River Joint Cable Committee
16 years as Advisor for Bonny Eagle Television
15 years recording 540 Standish Municipal meetings
4 year member Maine Telecommunications & Information Planning Project
28 years member, 5 years chair, Community Television Association of Maine
10 years member, 6 years chair, Community Television Network, Portland
21 years manager, South Portland Community Television
Assisted 34 Maine towns with franchise and cable ordinance related issues 1985-present.
Co-authored and successfully negotiated 23 franchise agreements for Maine Towns 1985-present
Co-authored MMA Municipal Guide for Local Regulation of Cable Television – 2005
Co-authored S.P. 580 – L.D. 1675 (123 Legislature) Resolve, Regarding Full, Fair and Nondiscriminatory Access to the Internet – 2007
Co-authored the Maine Model Franchise Agreement – 2009
Co-authored LD1371, PL 245
An Act To Ensure Nondiscriminatory Treatment of Public, Educational and Governmental Access Channels by Cable System Operators – 2019
Co-authored LD-920, An Act To Ensure Municipal and State Regulatory Oversight of Video Service Providers – 2019

Terri Wright
At-Large Member
Terri is the Director of Berwick Community TV (BCTV). She started as a volunteer in 2012 and wrote the first BCTV Operational Plan in 2014. In 2017 she was hired as a part-time Coordinator and in 2018, she became the full-time Director. Over the last 10 years, she has worked hard to create a station that residents and viewers treasure as a vital resource to the community.